Create an instance

Instances are virtual machines that deploy on OneQode Cloud hardware. Every instance you create gives you a new server to use.

Before you begin:

Some images require that you have an SSH key added to your account so you can authenticate with your cloud instance, instead of a root password.

First steps

To get started, select "Create Instance" on the dashboard.

Alternatively, navigate to Cloud → Instances then press the "+" button in the bottom right corner.

You will be greeted with the following creation window:

Enter a name

Pick a name for your new instance — call it whatever you like!

Choose a region

OneQode Cloud is now available in Guam (APAC Central) with more regions coming soon.

Pick a configuration

Also known as a flavor, the configuration is the amount of CPU, memory and local storage available to your instance.

To find out how much local storage is available for each type, see available configurations/flavors.

Select a boot source

You can create an instance from any of the following:

  • Image a snapshot of an operating system and application configuration

    • Public images — created by the OneQode team

    • Client images — if you create an image or snapshot it will show here

    • Community images — public images created by other OCS customers

    • Shared images — similar to the above, but only visible to invited people

  • Volume block storage you can attach to one or more instances. Learn more about volumes.

  • Volume snapshot a copy of a volume taken at a specific point in time

Changing storage type

When you create an instance, it will default to local storage (SSD storage on the instance itself) or you can select volume storage (block storage replicated across 3 drives) instead.

Use volume storage for all important, critical, or long-term data operations. Local storage in OCS is considered ephemeral

While we aim to provide integrity of data on local storage, volume storage will provide your instance with more storage space and better data protection as it is replicated across 3 drives.

To create a volume when creating an instance, use the "Storage type" dropdown in the bottom left corner of the "Select Boot Source" window.

Add Cloud-init data (optional)

Cloud-init lets you set configurations and run commands on boot.

Learn more about it here:


Network selection

By default, your instance will be on the public network for the region (e.g. "Public Guam").

This means you'll be able to access it via its public IP address when your instance is created.

Unless you're a network nerd, this is fine. 😎

Select your SSH key

Select your SSH key so you can securely authenticate to your instance remotely.

Click create

Your instance will now begin deploying!

If you encounter any issues spawning instances, open a support ticket.

Last updated